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My Deep Sea Adventure

My world is immersed in bubbles as the submarine slips below the ocean waves. They quickly disperse to reveal a landscape of brightly colored coral and sponges.

Equally as vibrant angelfish swim lazily by, seemingly unbothered by our presence.

I chuckle at the aptly named squirrelfish as they scan the reef with their large eyes.

Curious damselfish poke out of their holes to watch the submarine as we descend.

Suddenly, our view is obstructed as we are engulfed by a school of cottonwick.

When the view returns, I notice our surroundings have become duller and dimmer. The light from above continues to diminish as we sink deeper into the ocean.

A figure emerges from the depths; it’s a dumbo octopus! Can you see the resemblance to Dumbo the elephant?

We reach the bottom and I notice glowing brittle stars all around us. In the blackness they appear like stars in a night sky.

I let out a small yelp as a goosefish comes into view. I hadn't noticed it there and was startled by its large toothy grin and alien-like body.

It's time to head back so we begin our ascent - passing a friendly skate along the way.

Night has arrived and the reef has gone to sleep. The damselfish are tucked away in their homes and moray eels roam, looking for stragglers.

As the submarine resurfaces, I stare up into the sky now filled with stars and recall the stars below me. I feel at peace being suspended between two worlds: deep space and the deep sea.

All photo credits are given to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/ Department of Commerce.

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